DUDE! Lovin this MANGAAAA!!! XD
Its just soo cute.. yet creepy sometimes.. but What the Heck?? I LOVE IT!
It has such a funny and yet soo romantic vibe too it...
The clothes are fab and the characters.. *Some are cute.. and some are a REAL Pain!! xD
Its kindof a gender Bender manga... But no worries.. Nothing weird Here... *I hope
Cause i only read like.. 13 chapters.. Its not that much.. BUt awesome!! >///<
Heres the Plot: *From MangaFox, Thx MangaFox people!! xD*
''Naka Kaburagi has all the qualities a model can have, well, not really all. After being dumped by her senpai cause she can't smile like a flower and has a scary face, Naka is determined to get her revenge and to show her senpai that she can smile like a flower just like his idol Umi Kajiwara. After failing her 19th audition, Naka accidentally bumps into this great Umi but wait..... What is this!? Umi is A MALE!!? To keep Naka's mouth shut, Umi gave her the job as his co-model. Always being together and sharing a dark secret, Naka's road to successful modeling has a lot of troubles to come... Especially when Naka and Umi started to feel funny whenever they are by each other's side....''
Main Chara: Naka!! *DUH!! XD