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**~iRaShaiMaSe PumPkin-san-TaChi!!~**
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"The World is bound by Choices"
Remember That okay, Pumpkins?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
S.L.H. ( Stray Love Hearts )
Yet another one of my favorite Reverse Harem MANGA!
By Wikipedia, the plot is more or less like this:
" On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Kozue Hiyoki is visited in her dreams by a man who steals her heart- literally! Determined to find him and retrieve her stolen heart, Hiyoki enrolls in the S-Hall dormitories of St. Nazareth Academy, but quickly realizes that its residents are not at all like she expected... for starters, they are all guys. " - Wikipedia
Review From Me:
So, From the Main Character point of few, I give it a 4 Star! Since the girl Hiyoki is a really shy, timid, and cute main.
She's pretty much heartless... no, im serious! She HAS NO HEART, im not saying that because she's mean or anything, because she is EVERYTHING but mean!
Her heart was taken from her when she was young. i think... or was it in her 16th birthday? oh darn! i forgot!
It ended a year ago on the WEB, so its not my fault i forgot some tiny detail in the plot story. :)
So, she went to this new school because she wants to find her heart. And this teacher guy comes over and helps her by telling her that her heart is in Thos one dorm where the inhabitants were HOT GUYS!! O____O each one of them either has a weird hobby, or they have something to hide. But then again, i wont tell you what they're hidding since it would ruin the surprise ! ;)
Now, let me Introduce the Hotties!
First one, is the serious Student Body President, Cain Kumoide!
The girl in the picture is Hiyoki, the main heroine! And the hottie next to her is Cain! hes the serious and mysterious type! Some fangirls love these types, because for some reason... well actually i dont know the reason, but i know one thing, this guy is a cocky bas***d since he likes to pick on Hiyoki alot! > _ <
Next is the Cute and adorable one! ASUKAI HIJIRI ! XD
He's actually a year older than Hiyoki, i think ^ _ ^
He might look ignorant at first, but later on in the story, SURPRISING facts will be told! so u just HAVE to read the manga to see this cutie boy's secret!! XD
One hint about this character though, Dont be fooled by his looks and attitude in the first few chapters! He'll fool the heck lot of ya! XD
OKAY! now, theres Minemitsu Yamashina & Miki Uegaito!
Yamashina reallly is the studious type! When Hiyoki shares a room with this dude, lets just say... she got alot better at her studies... just a bit though! ^^ """"
And Miki-sama! he's a strange one! he just sleeps whenever and WHEREVER he wants to! No limits and no warnings to where he might sleep next XD
But even though that, he's a cute foreigner dont u think? :D
aaaahhhh... right! i almost forgot about these two opposites! ;)
Every reverse harem ALWAYS has a nice guy, and lets just say that the white haired guy near the goth black hair is the the NICE one! He's the typical hard working next door boy who takes your heart the second he SMILES! Sure enough i was captured O_____O This nice guy is named Ren Ichikawa!
Now lets talk about the goth one next to him shall we? ;)
His name is Kuga Reizei,
HE's a bit hard to describe since hes sooo cool and all, so i need the help of wikipedia:
"Kuga is a first year at St. Nazareth Academy, who lives in S-Hall. He is well mannered and friends with Ren. Kuga has his own band and is the lead singer. He wears a silver wig when performing, to maintain his privacy. Hiyoki first thought that Kuga had stolen her heart because of the wig he wears while singing, because the man who stole her heart had the same silver hair. Kuga is the second guy to share his room with Hiyoki, which he is very cold to her at first but later he also develops a crush on her, that being shown when Ren comes to congratulate the two for finally becoming friends and Kuga says "Congratulate us while you can...I think you will lose the urge to do so soon." Implying that Kuga knows that Ren also has a crush on her too. "-WIKIPEDIA
Hella awesome right? XD
He looks absolutely GORGEOUS when he sings + _ +
Now, last but not least, Might i present, the KING or OUJI type in this reverse harem seriessss....
Kitou Ninomiya!
Ah, this guy right here is Asukai's childhood friend! and the PRINCE type character ;)
He's super popular, and his charms dont lose to any of the other boys that i told you guys about earlier!
Ahhhh,,, aint he a stud? XDDDD
But sadly, i'm not a real FANGIRL over this type, but i do say... it gives the story a rather.. INTERESTING piece of plot that i look forward to EVERYTIME! XDDD
Yeeeessssss Aya Shouoto-Sama has dont it again :)
I luv this series!
If uR a fan of reverse harem and havent read it yet, YOUR NOT LIVING THE FANGIRL DREAM FULLY YET! XDD
Read it dudeeeess!! ;)
WANNA READ IT NOW, Pumpkins? :)
Hope you enjoyed my review! ^ _ ^
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