Welcome All Pumpkins! ^^
**~iRaShaiMaSe PumPkin-san-TaChi!!~**
This is My Blog where i Put all My Toughts and feelings! But either you wanna see or not, Its your choice!
"The World is bound by Choices"
Remember That okay, Pumpkins?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I mean, come ON! If some of you are STILL too shocked because you didnt know then there is definitely something wrong with you~
I mean, the sharingan, the ONE eye mask.... ah... alot of stuff that points to TOBI. but the question is, WHY?
Now, see... that will need to be explained in the manga, since its like the sensation of a lifetime knowing that one of the LONGLAST anime's is finally opening its doors and making us feel the whole new vibe that NARUTO is finally gunna end SOON.
Because that was one of the HIGHEST want to know Secrets in Naruto EVER. still more to come i bet, but lets just wait for Masashi Kishimoto-sensei to let us see it through mangastrips okay? XD
Anyway, i mean... another thing..
The Naruto Movie, "ROAD TO NINJA"
Is like FANFICTION GOLD! I mean SASUKE never killed his family and is a PLAYBOY AND IN LOVE WITH SAKURA?!?! PLEASEE!!!! PINCH ME!
My 5th grade naruto fangirl is coming out again! GAAAAHHH!!!
Ever since Sasuke left, we all know that it wont EVER come true to the fact that sasuke might even have the slightest feelings for sakura, but hey... this movie is making my long lost fan based dreams coming true!!! How can i NOT see it?!?!? XDDDD
And to tell you the truth, the fact that everyone in KONOHA will be a bit different makes me think i'll be able to LOL the WHOLE hour LONG! :P
Dont blame me because i love to laugh pumpkins!!! ;)
So, with ALL thats going on with the anime NARUTO these past few weeks, lets just see what other twist and turns Kishimoto-sensei has in store for us okay? ;)
Buh Byeee Pumpkins!!!!~~~~~~~~~~
Boyfriends, relationships, love, crushes, all part of the average teenage mind right?
Yeah, its totally it! It can be turned into something more, or something less, absolutely amazing.
The feeling when you've just got the guy of your dreams (Atleast the guy that you've always thought was cute or hot or so interesting) to ask you out or go out with you... Man, that totally sends tingles trough your whole body am i right? Its like the most amazing feeling EVER!
Thats what i learned atleast. Usually it would start off as simple strangers, then you know eachother from classes or just passing by through the hallsways, then you become FRIENDS, and then CLOSE friends, until you guys kept on getting closer and closer and BOOM! There it is, the relationship Phase....
Sometimes its UNdescribable how you actually end up with the guy, it just seems like he's also has some feelings for you and you find yourself into this weird new world that IS a relationship.
I've always thought dating was actually a waste of time.. like it'll totally ruin your friendship with your best GUY friend, and it'll also make things even worse with all the dilemma's and drama's of average life and all... isnt that right?
Well that was my old way of thinking, i was totally narrow minded because i've never experienced it in my life before. That is until i hit highschool where everything changes for most teenagers.
The nobodies become somebodies, and the usual teenage rebellion and groups and studies that overwhelm your everyday life. Common, it totally IS! XD
What i dont get about dating is, well... I luv my guy, totally, i really do. But sometimes its always so awkward when we talk to eachother... Its like whenever i text him ive got a million things to say, but when im actually WITH him its like my mind goes blank and im like a NON talking doll that cant say her own opinion about things.
I dont know if my guy feels the same way as i do, but if he doesnt, then how come he's always silent too? it freaks me out sometimes.
Maybe its because the fact that the secret is no longer a secret? the whole "I've liked you since the time ...." is kind of just... OUT yknow?
And since its out, does your heart keep beating when your with him?
Gaaaaahhhh, soooo complicated! I dont even know how to think straight! >_<
Dang, in the end, it just ended up with me talking about some random stuff... a bit of diary girl is still within me :p Anyway thats all my pumpkins ;)
See ya the hellahole Later~
Yeah, its totally it! It can be turned into something more, or something less, absolutely amazing.
The feeling when you've just got the guy of your dreams (Atleast the guy that you've always thought was cute or hot or so interesting) to ask you out or go out with you... Man, that totally sends tingles trough your whole body am i right? Its like the most amazing feeling EVER!
Thats what i learned atleast. Usually it would start off as simple strangers, then you know eachother from classes or just passing by through the hallsways, then you become FRIENDS, and then CLOSE friends, until you guys kept on getting closer and closer and BOOM! There it is, the relationship Phase....
Sometimes its UNdescribable how you actually end up with the guy, it just seems like he's also has some feelings for you and you find yourself into this weird new world that IS a relationship.
I've always thought dating was actually a waste of time.. like it'll totally ruin your friendship with your best GUY friend, and it'll also make things even worse with all the dilemma's and drama's of average life and all... isnt that right?
Well that was my old way of thinking, i was totally narrow minded because i've never experienced it in my life before. That is until i hit highschool where everything changes for most teenagers.
The nobodies become somebodies, and the usual teenage rebellion and groups and studies that overwhelm your everyday life. Common, it totally IS! XD
What i dont get about dating is, well... I luv my guy, totally, i really do. But sometimes its always so awkward when we talk to eachother... Its like whenever i text him ive got a million things to say, but when im actually WITH him its like my mind goes blank and im like a NON talking doll that cant say her own opinion about things.
I dont know if my guy feels the same way as i do, but if he doesnt, then how come he's always silent too? it freaks me out sometimes.
Maybe its because the fact that the secret is no longer a secret? the whole "I've liked you since the time ...." is kind of just... OUT yknow?
And since its out, does your heart keep beating when your with him?
Gaaaaahhhh, soooo complicated! I dont even know how to think straight! >_<
Dang, in the end, it just ended up with me talking about some random stuff... a bit of diary girl is still within me :p Anyway thats all my pumpkins ;)
See ya the hellahole Later~
Thursday, June 28, 2012
From one of the successful anime/manga of these past few years, I fell in love with the story line and the amazing artstyle!
One thing that I know i love about this anime last time was its PAIRINGS!
One thing for sure, I knew that sooner or later that Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel will be the MAIN pairing in this anime series but there was a hint of GreyxLucy and LucyxLoki in the anime XD
i was SOOOO hoping Grey and Lucy would be PAIRED, but i know that never happens -____-
I mean, they were soooo cute toghether! I wanted them to beee!! TT^TT
But in the newest season of Fairy tail, i see that that wont happen,
If you are a Fairy Tail fan, then you must know the OBVIOUS pairings right? Like for example:
- Erza & Jellal
That pairing cannot be broken, since it seems like she really likes him, so does he to her :) Theyre like super cute together :) because Erza has a soft side for him, but only a LITTLE. not much ^^ """
Now, lets look at the others huh?
- Grey & Lucy!! <3
I just LOOOVEEEE this pairing! I cant stand the fact that they look SUPER UBER cute together!
Sadly, i know that this pairing will never be TT^TT because of the one in the bottom here..
Lucy & Natsu
This is the most obvious MAIN pairing that'll happen, because, just like RAVE MASTER, the two main's will be together :)
Although Natsu is completely IGNORANT to these type of feelings, he still cares for Lucy in his own way, sometime soon, it'll turn to be REAL hearache feelings :)
I mean LOOK AT THEM! theyre cute together!!!
Juvia & Grey
I dont really like this pairing at all..
But hey, I cant do anything about it can i? -_____-
Maybe some people like this pairing, so i have to accept other peoples Opinions and all :)
At first Juvia was the enemy, but she became good and joined the guild :) Because she wants to change, but MOSTLY, because of this Ice Prince next to her XD
she seems to harbor STRONG feelings for him, so i wouldnt be SOOO shocked if they turned out together yknow? they DO kindof look cute... kindof...
It seems like Grey's teal haired childhood friends ALSO harbor feelings toward JUVIA! thats a shocker O_____O
I just hope Leon will get Juvia in the end , Mhuahahaahahah!!! >:)
What? O_O A girl can dream cant she? XDDD
Lets not forget the LION thats still out for his Prey :3
Leo(Loki) & Lucy
Even though he's a celestial spirit, He treats Lucy, his mistress, like a PRINCESS >_<
The strong trust rope is SUPER tight with these two! Their Bond cannot be Broken! XD
I hope O___o
This guy seems to ALSO has the hots for Lucy! O___o And he's a weirdoo!! O__o
Okaaaaayyy... -______-
Something tell me our main heroine here attracts ALOT of ... um.. Interesting characters?
^ _ ^ "
fairy tail 132,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
HellaHole Psychology: Mothers, Teenagers, Parents DO's and DONT's
Mother's. They are the ones go gave us a chance to live. They are the ones who takes care of us when we were little.. until we're old enough to fly out of our nest's. They give us LOVE and CARE that can fill the ENTIRE universe, and we all know that the universe HAS NO END, well its the same with our mothers LOVE and CARE for their children ^ _ ^
Okay, i know sometimes we have our ups and downs with our mother, but it doesn't mean we HATE them, we just sometimes misunderstood THEM, like THEY misunderstood US.
I for one, have a very hyperactive mother.
For one thing, she doesnt like it when i frown. She ALWAYS thinks something is wrong when im NOT smiling. But is that really a big deal? sometimes, people just have those days where they wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It doesnt really mean that we have a problem, or we don't like something but we take it out on our mother's... No.. its NOTHING like that!
Its just sometimes, Mom's have this BAD ATTITUDE radar coming from her head, and she thinks that something is DEFINITELY WRONG when we act differently. And she just cant help but worry, since she loves us.
But that doesnt mean that it isnt annoying sometimes.
Sure, Mom's care and want to help their children when they're in need and when they are having a sort of problem, but also, some Mom's need to know that sometimes, letting a kid stay alone is the best remedy at certain times.
I should know, since I am a teenage girl, and teenage girls have these sort of... "I-need-to-be-alone" type of days, but My mom thinks that those kind of rebellious phases are not too much to handle, so she handles them with poking in to my business, and getting angry at my mood swings at some occasions.
Which is a way to show that she cares, sure, but as i said, giving your child some SPACE and ALONE time, might not be such a bad idea.
We are going through a phase of becoming adults. Each kid has their own way of walking towards that path. And we have to do ALOT of thinking and all to get through some tough spots.
***But i am NOT saying that when your kid is doing drugs and those weird rebellious nonsense and you're actually taking my advice at THIS CRITICAL TIME, then YOU ARE WRONG!
This type of 'ALONE TIME' is usually best when you KNOW your kid isnt doing those things. But if they are, then please... that is not where this advice is useful.***
We, kids, have these sort of times when we are in some tough situations, or TOUGH SPOTS.
Usually, when we do alot of thinking, or we are in a panic state, and we dont know who to turn to...
Its usually the best if we turn to our mothers, or out PARENTS. because they are filled with experience and knowledge that might help. Usually, mothers can be a bit TOO emotional in handling some tight spots, but they mean well, so it isnt a bad idea to actually see through what they have to say before you decide not to go with that idea.
But some kids might NOT want to turn to their parents because.... well its an unexplainable feeling i guess.
Sometime i get it too,...
the fact that if i go to my Mom for help, it might not be a good move sometimes..
But afterwards.. i'm actually GLAD i came to my mom for help, because even if your mom gets on your nerve sometimes and likes to nag alot, its only because she WANTS us to be a great kid! someone who will be successful and amazing in the future! So please dont get it the wrong way okay?
***Even though sometimes, it can be about something O-SO simple, it doesnt mean she picks on you okay? Its just because she CARES :)***
Now, lets see... what else can i explain... OH I KNOW!!
Ah, yeah... this is a phase that some parents, MOSTLY MOTHERS, fear the most. TEENAGE REBELLION
its a critical time when the children grow into a certain age where He/She will feel the longing for BELONGING. and making their existence noticeable to the world.
And sometimes, if we feel too pressured at this age, we can get a bit.. EMOTIONAL.
For one thing, we put up with stuff that our parents make us go through, it might be GOOD for us, but we DONT like it.
its like we're blinded by the fact that we HATE it, that we dont realize that the little things their making us DO is something USEFUL and NECESSARY for the FUTURE!
But thats just it, This phase makes us do things we dont usually want to do, but it makes us have this sense of INDIVIDUALITY in our self that we feel good about.
Although its NOT ALWAYS the good stuff... this is actually a phase where teenagers might get into those things in the world thats not good for them. Like Drugs for instance.
Well, we might not be well in our heads, so we try those things out of curiosity at first... but the fact that it has some sort of RESTRAIN LOOSENING feeling... we keep doing it. which is NOT A GOOD THING.
***Hello people! we NEED to realize that somethings that FEEL good to is isnt ALWAYS super good FOR us!***
((Like how we like to eat candy because its sweet, but eating too much will make us have cavities))
So for ALL the teenagers who are in this, i know your like
"GAH, SHUT UP B****, your NOT the boss of ME!"
but exactly, by doing those BAD THINGS, you DONT know what your doing.. your NOT in your RIGHT MIND ... and that is BECAUSE YOUR DOING THOSE THINGS.
You're just going thru that phase when teenagers think they KNOW EVERYTHING and they show some Badass attitude that makes them feel like their that the TOP OF THEIR GAME.
wow... that was a MOUTHFULL! XDDDD
sorry, but im just saying what i think is right. and if you think that your a TEENAGER with a REBELLIOUS act upon you, then you might want to do these things right here:
There are some things i found on the net for those REBELLIOUS times : AWESOME SITE I FOUND
So, teenagers have these things because either they are trying to
Okay, i know sometimes we have our ups and downs with our mother, but it doesn't mean we HATE them, we just sometimes misunderstood THEM, like THEY misunderstood US.
I for one, have a very hyperactive mother.
For one thing, she doesnt like it when i frown. She ALWAYS thinks something is wrong when im NOT smiling. But is that really a big deal? sometimes, people just have those days where they wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It doesnt really mean that we have a problem, or we don't like something but we take it out on our mother's... No.. its NOTHING like that!
Its just sometimes, Mom's have this BAD ATTITUDE radar coming from her head, and she thinks that something is DEFINITELY WRONG when we act differently. And she just cant help but worry, since she loves us.
But that doesnt mean that it isnt annoying sometimes.
Sure, Mom's care and want to help their children when they're in need and when they are having a sort of problem, but also, some Mom's need to know that sometimes, letting a kid stay alone is the best remedy at certain times.
I should know, since I am a teenage girl, and teenage girls have these sort of... "I-need-to-be-alone" type of days, but My mom thinks that those kind of rebellious phases are not too much to handle, so she handles them with poking in to my business, and getting angry at my mood swings at some occasions.
Which is a way to show that she cares, sure, but as i said, giving your child some SPACE and ALONE time, might not be such a bad idea.
We are going through a phase of becoming adults. Each kid has their own way of walking towards that path. And we have to do ALOT of thinking and all to get through some tough spots.
***But i am NOT saying that when your kid is doing drugs and those weird rebellious nonsense and you're actually taking my advice at THIS CRITICAL TIME, then YOU ARE WRONG!
This type of 'ALONE TIME' is usually best when you KNOW your kid isnt doing those things. But if they are, then please... that is not where this advice is useful.***
We, kids, have these sort of times when we are in some tough situations, or TOUGH SPOTS.
Usually, when we do alot of thinking, or we are in a panic state, and we dont know who to turn to...
Its usually the best if we turn to our mothers, or out PARENTS. because they are filled with experience and knowledge that might help. Usually, mothers can be a bit TOO emotional in handling some tight spots, but they mean well, so it isnt a bad idea to actually see through what they have to say before you decide not to go with that idea.
But some kids might NOT want to turn to their parents because.... well its an unexplainable feeling i guess.
Sometime i get it too,...
the fact that if i go to my Mom for help, it might not be a good move sometimes..
But afterwards.. i'm actually GLAD i came to my mom for help, because even if your mom gets on your nerve sometimes and likes to nag alot, its only because she WANTS us to be a great kid! someone who will be successful and amazing in the future! So please dont get it the wrong way okay?
***Even though sometimes, it can be about something O-SO simple, it doesnt mean she picks on you okay? Its just because she CARES :)***
Now, lets see... what else can i explain... OH I KNOW!!
Ah, yeah... this is a phase that some parents, MOSTLY MOTHERS, fear the most. TEENAGE REBELLION
its a critical time when the children grow into a certain age where He/She will feel the longing for BELONGING. and making their existence noticeable to the world.
And sometimes, if we feel too pressured at this age, we can get a bit.. EMOTIONAL.
For one thing, we put up with stuff that our parents make us go through, it might be GOOD for us, but we DONT like it.
its like we're blinded by the fact that we HATE it, that we dont realize that the little things their making us DO is something USEFUL and NECESSARY for the FUTURE!
But thats just it, This phase makes us do things we dont usually want to do, but it makes us have this sense of INDIVIDUALITY in our self that we feel good about.
Although its NOT ALWAYS the good stuff... this is actually a phase where teenagers might get into those things in the world thats not good for them. Like Drugs for instance.
Well, we might not be well in our heads, so we try those things out of curiosity at first... but the fact that it has some sort of RESTRAIN LOOSENING feeling... we keep doing it. which is NOT A GOOD THING.
***Hello people! we NEED to realize that somethings that FEEL good to is isnt ALWAYS super good FOR us!***
((Like how we like to eat candy because its sweet, but eating too much will make us have cavities))
So for ALL the teenagers who are in this, i know your like
"GAH, SHUT UP B****, your NOT the boss of ME!"
but exactly, by doing those BAD THINGS, you DONT know what your doing.. your NOT in your RIGHT MIND ... and that is BECAUSE YOUR DOING THOSE THINGS.
You're just going thru that phase when teenagers think they KNOW EVERYTHING and they show some Badass attitude that makes them feel like their that the TOP OF THEIR GAME.
wow... that was a MOUTHFULL! XDDDD
sorry, but im just saying what i think is right. and if you think that your a TEENAGER with a REBELLIOUS act upon you, then you might want to do these things right here:
There are some things i found on the net for those REBELLIOUS times : AWESOME SITE I FOUND
So, teenagers have these things because either they are trying to
- Discovering their identities - Teenagers are at a point in their lives when they are trying to figure out who they are as a person, their likes/dislikes and what they will be doing for the rest of their lives. They use this time to test and try out many identities until they find one they are most comfortable with.
- Independence - These years are a constant struggle between dependence and independence. Rebellious teens want to have total independence and prove to you that they can do things themselves. At the same time, they are overwhelmed and still desire parental protection.
- Hormonal changes - As teenagers bodies are changing, hormone fluctuations can bring about all sorts of mood changes.
- Peer pressure - Some forms of rebellion can begin with pressure from peers to join in various destructive behaviors.
So MY tip on these TEENAGE rebelion things are probably
- Look at the mirror and see your self... Any piercings? Cuts that you did to yourself? Heellllaaa lotta make up? well look again and ask yourself.. "Is this what i REALLY am?" and when i mean LOOK, i mean LOOK DEEEEEEPPP within you, dont be someone your NOT, and dont be too caught up in this REBELIOUS phase that You'll lose most of the things you care about in the process, like your DIGNITY and your TRUE IDENTITY.
- Try and ask an ADULT or someone OLDER who you can trust your whole life story to, a school psychiatrist or maybe a teacher that you trust, or even better, your PARENTS. because they WERE teenagers once too... i bet they have some tips and helpful stuff to get you out of the MESS your into right now, since you never really know what someone is thinking until you ASK ;)
- Think it LOOONNNGGG and HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD on what are things that are GOOD for you, and things that are HELLAAAA HOLLLEEEE BAAADDD for YOU.
***(( Sometimes coming up and opening up to someone is a REAAALLLYY hard thing to do right? then why not just TRY and get some tips on the NET on what you should do, and THINK. Thinking things through usually solve the problem.. i got out of ALOT OF MESSES by THINKING what i should do, that doesnt inflict BAD energy or BAD influence to anyone else that i encounter. But hey, dont take MY word for it... its YOUR LIFE, so THINK STRAIGHT! and if you have a friend that ABSOLUTELY influences you in some things that you think is BAD, then DONT LISTEN, because theyre going through the EXACT same things YOU are, But if they continue on like that, YOU WONT, because you THINK this through! ))***
- Last and the very least, USUALLY internet and communication devices might get the better of you yknow? well i know that I cant ERASE the internet or the cellphones because their intentions are GOOD, its just sometimes people think of them and USE them for bad purposes, SO TRY TO NOT GET WRAPPED UP IN THE BAD THINGS of the globalization era, and try to think of the POSITIVE side! Dont be a Pessimist, be an OPTIMIST!
Well, i think thats enough MUMBO JUMBO out of me right?
since im all out of stuff to type anyway XD
So HellaHole OUT! XDD Piece y'all!
hyperactive mother,
teenage rebellion,
tough spots
S.L.H. ( Stray Love Hearts )
Yet another one of my favorite Reverse Harem MANGA!
By Wikipedia, the plot is more or less like this:
" On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Kozue Hiyoki is visited in her dreams by a man who steals her heart- literally! Determined to find him and retrieve her stolen heart, Hiyoki enrolls in the S-Hall dormitories of St. Nazareth Academy, but quickly realizes that its residents are not at all like she expected... for starters, they are all guys. " - Wikipedia
Review From Me:
So, From the Main Character point of few, I give it a 4 Star! Since the girl Hiyoki is a really shy, timid, and cute main.
She's pretty much heartless... no, im serious! She HAS NO HEART, im not saying that because she's mean or anything, because she is EVERYTHING but mean!
Her heart was taken from her when she was young. i think... or was it in her 16th birthday? oh darn! i forgot!
It ended a year ago on the WEB, so its not my fault i forgot some tiny detail in the plot story. :)
So, she went to this new school because she wants to find her heart. And this teacher guy comes over and helps her by telling her that her heart is in Thos one dorm where the inhabitants were HOT GUYS!! O____O each one of them either has a weird hobby, or they have something to hide. But then again, i wont tell you what they're hidding since it would ruin the surprise ! ;)
Now, let me Introduce the Hotties!
First one, is the serious Student Body President, Cain Kumoide!
The girl in the picture is Hiyoki, the main heroine! And the hottie next to her is Cain! hes the serious and mysterious type! Some fangirls love these types, because for some reason... well actually i dont know the reason, but i know one thing, this guy is a cocky bas***d since he likes to pick on Hiyoki alot! > _ <
Next is the Cute and adorable one! ASUKAI HIJIRI ! XD
He's actually a year older than Hiyoki, i think ^ _ ^
He might look ignorant at first, but later on in the story, SURPRISING facts will be told! so u just HAVE to read the manga to see this cutie boy's secret!! XD
One hint about this character though, Dont be fooled by his looks and attitude in the first few chapters! He'll fool the heck lot of ya! XD
OKAY! now, theres Minemitsu Yamashina & Miki Uegaito!
Yamashina reallly is the studious type! When Hiyoki shares a room with this dude, lets just say... she got alot better at her studies... just a bit though! ^^ """"
And Miki-sama! he's a strange one! he just sleeps whenever and WHEREVER he wants to! No limits and no warnings to where he might sleep next XD
But even though that, he's a cute foreigner dont u think? :D
aaaahhhh... right! i almost forgot about these two opposites! ;)
Every reverse harem ALWAYS has a nice guy, and lets just say that the white haired guy near the goth black hair is the the NICE one! He's the typical hard working next door boy who takes your heart the second he SMILES! Sure enough i was captured O_____O This nice guy is named Ren Ichikawa!
Now lets talk about the goth one next to him shall we? ;)
His name is Kuga Reizei,
HE's a bit hard to describe since hes sooo cool and all, so i need the help of wikipedia:
"Kuga is a first year at St. Nazareth Academy, who lives in S-Hall. He is well mannered and friends with Ren. Kuga has his own band and is the lead singer. He wears a silver wig when performing, to maintain his privacy. Hiyoki first thought that Kuga had stolen her heart because of the wig he wears while singing, because the man who stole her heart had the same silver hair. Kuga is the second guy to share his room with Hiyoki, which he is very cold to her at first but later he also develops a crush on her, that being shown when Ren comes to congratulate the two for finally becoming friends and Kuga says "Congratulate us while you can...I think you will lose the urge to do so soon." Implying that Kuga knows that Ren also has a crush on her too. "-WIKIPEDIA
Hella awesome right? XD
He looks absolutely GORGEOUS when he sings + _ +
Now, last but not least, Might i present, the KING or OUJI type in this reverse harem seriessss....
Kitou Ninomiya!
Ah, this guy right here is Asukai's childhood friend! and the PRINCE type character ;)
He's super popular, and his charms dont lose to any of the other boys that i told you guys about earlier!
Ahhhh,,, aint he a stud? XDDDD
But sadly, i'm not a real FANGIRL over this type, but i do say... it gives the story a rather.. INTERESTING piece of plot that i look forward to EVERYTIME! XDDD
Yeeeessssss Aya Shouoto-Sama has dont it again :)
I luv this series!
If uR a fan of reverse harem and havent read it yet, YOUR NOT LIVING THE FANGIRL DREAM FULLY YET! XDD
Read it dudeeeess!! ;)
WANNA READ IT NOW, Pumpkins? :)
Hope you enjoyed my review! ^ _ ^
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Engage Knight (Manga)
So, From Spoils: Engage – a covenant pledged between knight and noble This is the tale of individuals tied together by the sacred bonds of Engage Tia is a young girl who hails from the remote regions of the Grunwald Empire. Due to royal decree, she is required to attend a prestigious academy located in the imperial capital. The academy serves not only as a networking spot for the children of aristocracy to meet and rub shoulders, but is also where the paths of nobles and knights cross. Tia herself is on a mission to find a knight with great promise, however, who she stumbles upon instead is the academy’s problem child – Duran. Due to an encounter with Duran, Tia finds she is able to draw out a knight’s potential, normally only done via Engage. As someone who can call forth the powers of Engage without a pledged covenant, Tia finds herself the target of many knights
Its pretty new in the web, so theres only 3 chaps these past few weeks, and by far, i absolutely love with what they did with this manga!
Not to mention this is something to calm down the Revese Harem vibe that some girls might want to read, it also shows a fierce and not so MARY SUE type of main character!
She's filling in for her twin bro, sureee... but that doesnt mean she's not scared to jump in when it is needed! she even saved Duran from getting kicked in the buttocks!!! sorry, excuse me, i didnt mean to say such foul language... but seriously!
Duran is the guy main chara, you can say that he's like... the type of character that resembles SASUKE UCHIHA from the anime that almost EVERYONE knows about, NARUTO. the calm, cool, collected guy who thinks he's strong enough to challenge the world!
Anyway, by the REVERSE HAREM theme i was going on about before, im saying that DURAN isnt the only guy she's made contact with! theres also some other knights that might..
OH! Dont take my word for it! read it yourself! its absolutely cute, amazing, the plot line seems to show that there will be some ROMANCE up ahead!
but still , it aint out yet in the WEB, so im guessing i'm going to have to go to the nearest imported bookstore and find the RAW ones myself! XD
Happy reading pumpkins! ^_^
Monday, May 17, 2010
Carming Junkie ~ Manga

DUDE! Lovin this MANGAAAA!!! XD
Its just soo cute.. yet creepy sometimes.. but What the Heck?? I LOVE IT!
It has such a funny and yet soo romantic vibe too it...
The clothes are fab and the characters.. *Some are cute.. and some are a REAL Pain!! xD
Its kindof a gender Bender manga... But no worries.. Nothing weird Here... *I hope
Cause i only read like.. 13 chapters.. Its not that much.. BUt awesome!! >///<
Heres the Plot: *From MangaFox, Thx MangaFox people!! xD*
''Naka Kaburagi has all the qualities a model can have, well, not really all. After being dumped by her senpai cause she can't smile like a flower and has a scary face, Naka is determined to get her revenge and to show her senpai that she can smile like a flower just like his idol Umi Kajiwara. After failing her 19th audition, Naka accidentally bumps into this great Umi but wait..... What is this!? Umi is A MALE!!? To keep Naka's mouth shut, Umi gave her the job as his co-model. Always being together and sharing a dark secret, Naka's road to successful modeling has a lot of troubles to come... Especially when Naka and Umi started to feel funny whenever they are by each other's side....''
Main Chara: Naka!! *DUH!! XD
charming junkie,
Naka kaburagi,
umi kajiwara
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